Diana Lynn Creekpaum was my sister four years older than myself.Diana had crossed the line,that caused us not to be sisters anymore.Diana had sexually molested me when I was twelve till fourteen.I tried to forgive her
but there could never be a sister relationship.I do not understand why ,the people that were responsible for my care when I was fifteen years old would have allowed me to go be with a sister that had done this to me.When I served as maid of honor at her wedding we were at at restaurant and I had met a man that was a football player at the collage in Lubbock ,TX.His name was Cary Green.He was what I thought as handsome and as any fifteen year old would,I liked him.Diana had allowed me to drink and allowed me to ride back to her house with this man,that she did not even know.Now,things did not get out of control because I was not interested in giving myself to anyone,I WAS A VICTIM OF RAPE,I DID GOOD TO EVEN TALK TO A MAN OR BOY.Cary did not go any further than kiss me but the point is he could have.After getting back to the Foster's
Home Cary and I pin palled each other.As any normal fifteen,sixteen year old would do I fell in "puppy love".
I received a phone call one day ,from his wife.This conversation had thrown me overboard.And I tried to commit suicide.
After all I had gone through and I am not talking about simple testifying in court,I am talking about being fifteen years old and having to sit and tell all the incestuous things that had been done to you in front of police,judge,caseworker,news media,and thirty students of the high school senior class that your"boyfriend"went to.And I use " " meaning that a boyfriend to me at that time was we talked on the phone,maybe a movie,or swimming.HOW COULD A "POLITE" SOCIETY LABEL A VICTIM SUCH A HORRIBLE NAME AS WHORE WHEN SHE HAD NOT EVEN KISSED A BOY YET.I HAD NOT EVEN KNOWN WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO CONSENT TO MY LIPS BEING TOUCHED BY LIPS THAT I HAD WANTED TO TOUCH MINE.
Diana caused me to completely have to "dust my feet off"because she took her children and husband to the prison to meet Allen.UNBELIEVABLE.Allen would send her letters telling each one of his children how much he loved them,and how he would take my life when he got out of prison.DONNA CREEKPAUM AND DIANA CREEKPAUM ARE SICK>AND SO ARE ANYONE OF YOU WHO HAS TORMENTED MY LIFE.I WILL NOT FORGIVE WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FORGIVE.YOU PEOPLE HAVE MURDERED ME.AND YOU WILL RECEIVE THE JUDGEMENTS OF GOD.