I am Deborah Kay Creekpaum,Debra Suzanne Nelson,Deborah Kay Abshari and Deborah Kay Beal.I was born August 23rd,1966 in Savannah,Tennessee.My mother was Elnoria Mendia Davidson/Creekpaum.My father was Allen L. Creekpaum.I am currently forty-five years old. I am not married. Both my mother and father are dead,my mother passed Feb.2000,my father passed 2003. At the age of fifteen I went through the process of being adopted by Susan Nelson,a math professor,I went to school under the adopted name which was Debra Suzanne Nelson.The adoption failed and I returned to my birth given name.
I was married twice and divorced twice.First marriage was to Farzin Abshari April 10,1984,divorced May 1990. I have one child from this marriage,Daniel Abshari,born 11/19/1985.I was 17 years old, when I married my first husband,he was 27 years old.It was the first marriage for both of us.I am an American that married an Iranian who became an American.My son is an American.When I got my divorce from Farzin Abshari,I remained under the name of Deborah Kay Abshari until April 20,1998 when I married Dennis Glen Beal.
My second marriage was to Dennis Glen Beal on April 20,1998,divorced July 24,2007.I was 31 year old and he was 54 years old when we were married.Dennis Beal and his brother Mike Beal cleaned out the joint bank account,that Dennis and I shared Nov.2002 and disappeared.There were no children from this marriage.I remain to this day as the name Deborah Kay Beal.
I am a daughter of the living God,His name is Jesus.I love the Lord Jesus with all my heart ,mind and soul.I believe that I am made in the image of God.That image being three manifestations of one.I believe in Spirit ,man ,Spirit.I am the same spirit that was with God before I was formed in the womb,I became flesh that is sin,and because I am washed by His blood,when I die I will be spirit again with Him.All three manifestations of me is still me.There is only one.I am the same person.This is why Jesus tells us ,I am the same yesterday,today and tomorrow.If you have seen me ,you have seen the father.We are One.He is my God and I am HIS.God is one God and he is a jealous God when he sees his children able to praise,raising their hands to things of this earth but refuses to raise their hands in praise to Him.If you can enjoy the music of the earth why can you not enjoy
making music for God?If you can dance to music of the earth,why can't you dance to music praising God?If you can get high on substance of this earth,this includes food,entertainment,romance,work,play,etc.Anything that can bring overwhelming joy to the point of dizziness,why can you not become high in the Spirit?If you need
a relationship with humans ,why don't you need a relationship with The Great I Am?If you need to seek to feed
your belly,why don't you seek to feed your soul?If you make appointments for your daily life,why not make an appointment with the only ONE who really knows who you are......JESUS.If you want HIM to know who you are,why don't you want to know who HE is?If you want so desperately to judge me,why do you not judge yourself,with the same judgement you passed against me?I worship in my heart,mind and soul.I do not bullie others to believe what I believe and I do Not want to be bullied.IT IS AGAINST THE LAW OF CHRIST AND AGAINST THE LAW OF THE LAND.Enough said.