Saturday, May 12, 2012


Three cases that went to court.(1)Johnny Wells (2)Allen Creekpaum (3)Denny Floyd Ryan.I was a victim in all three cases.I testified in court against Allen Creekpaum ,my father,Dec. 1981 in Odessa ,TX.He had molested me from the age of eight years old to the age of twelve.At the age of twelve till I was fourteen I was raped on a daily basis by Allen Creekpaum.Also my two sisters Donna Creekpaum and Diana Creekpaum molested me,neither one of them were charged although I did report it to my case worker,Susan Swindle and I may have even reported it when testifying in court against Allen Creekpaum.I was molested by Jeff Davidson,my cousin,when I was ten years old.I had told my mother but nothing was done.I told my Aunt Betty Reeves also.This also I may have brought up in court when testifying against Allen Creekpaum.The other case I testified in court against Denny Floyd Ryan,an officer of the law at the time of the crime.He had sexually assaulted me,on my job as a truck driver,He was a scale master at the Monroe,MI.scale house on 75N side.The incident happened Aug.2004.On April 3rd,of 2006 we got a conviction against Mr.Ryan of misconduct while in office.During the investigations it was discovered that Mr.Ryan was also a child molester,and in a separate trial he was convicted of child molestation and received a sentence of fifteen years.
 In the case of Johnny Wells, I was fourteen years old.I was a victim of assault and battery with the intent to kill Oct.12,1980.The system for some reason had exempted me as being a victim.There is a major cover  up concerning this case.Johnny Wells ten years later became a murderer.The same judge that presided in the case against my father also presided in the case against Johnny Wells.And both criminals served sentences at the same time at Huntsville Prison,Huntsville,TX.