Saturday, May 12, 2012


I can't keep describing what rape from someone that is your relative is.I would rather be dead than alive.I tried to forgive Ray giving him excuse that he was drunk and high.I worked with him to get him to stop drugs
and drinking and start going to church.He did and everyone was happy. Everyone except me.I was raped and it wasn't going to disappear.The final straw was that because I had influenced him to go to church,my
mother,aunt and uncle were discussing how great it would be if we got married.Was I ever going to get away from all these sick minds???????????I think they really made sure I would not escape.I then quit
working with Gerald White and had applied with Superior Transfer in Jackson ,Tn.The day I went in
Dennis Beal was sitting there talking to the terminal manager and Dennis told him he wanted me to work for
him.Dennis had a company he leased his trucks to Superior.I consented and we met up on October31,1997.